Friday, December 14, 2007

New Astros Jersey Time!

Wow, I feel bad for anyone who has invested in an Astros shirt/jersey/shersey with any player's name on the back. Clemens and Pettitte are in the thick of Mr. Mitchell's report (as is Miguel Tejada - cancel your pre-order of that jersey!), we just traded away 7+ players (including some popular ones like Luke Scott and Chris Burke), and Biggio and Bags are gone. This is quite possibly a conspiracy born from the jersey making industry. First they created the shersey, now this....

When the Tejada trade came over the wire, and ESPN dropped this story, I began to think... my first thoughts - why do we want a former MVP whose numbers have declined steadily since tougher steroid testing was put in place, and who was linked to Palmeiro? Now all the big names in steroids are all 1 degree removed from H-Town.


kevin said...

You should have invested in the 'Big Panther/Captain Caveman/Fat Elvis/Lance-a-lot/insert Lance Berkman nickname here' shersey.

kevin said...

oh wait...i think i meant puma. maybe. i can't remember now. or i'm too drunk to remember. is better.