Sunday, December 9, 2007

NFL Postgame Shows

Since we lack cable/sat (I know, I know), for Sundays I catch up on football by Tivo'ing "Football Night in America" on NBC. So my question is this - of the broadcast networks, who has the best postgame: NBC, CBS, or Fox?

I like NBC for a couple of reasons:
1) Keith Olbermann's awkward moments - we know you started in sports, but political commentary has warped your mind. You are now as painful during a game summary as you are during Countdown. He spits out jokes about each play, only they are two plays late, and we are already looking at another highlight. Keep up with us Keith! Gives us the play-by-play, then the color commentary IF there is time.

2) All games (save the late game) have ended, so you get all the highlights. AND they have tons of time (over an hour) so they show a lot of highlights for each game.

3) Because FNA comes on BEFORE the late game, there are no issues recording it. Other post-games bleed over time slots because they follow a live game and Tivo (God bless it) has trouble.

4) It is both a pre-game and post game show, all wrapped in one. They talk about Sunday's action, the late game, MNF, and Thursday's upcoming NFL network game.

5) AND you have some recent, real-deal players in Tiki and The Bus who give some good commentary. Bob Costas is solid, Olbermann we already covered, and then Cris Collinsworth mails in his performance to round out the cast.

1 comment:

kevin said...

for some reason, most of my comments never seem to make it past your 'approval'...

but for the record, i'm not a big Bob Costas fan. Overall, i would say i am not as big of a fan of any network post(or pre)game analysis as i am of espn's post(or pre)game analysis. monday night countdown is where it's at.

I'll take Boomer, Tom Jackson, Jaws, and Ditka any day.