Thursday, December 20, 2007

Downtown is dangerous...

The following happened today as Damian and I walked to lunch on Walker Street, downtown Houston:

1) A huge compressed Nitrogen bottle (about 6ft tall) vented on a group of fellow Shellers, causing screams of panic and mild high-stepping to get away. Compressed Nitrogen is super cold (scientifically speaking), so I half expected one of the people to be frozen Terminator 2 style, and fall to the ground in a million pieces, only to melt due to the flames of the nearby steel mill (substitute street vendor here) and regenerate. Didn't happen.

2) Stepped over a discarded crack pipe, then made the obligatory "you drop your crack pipe?" joke to Damian...always good for a laugh

3) And watched as a homeless man stepped in front of a moving bus, bus hits the horn, and homeless man flicks bus off.. I just assumed he was homeless by his clothes, although he was dressed very similar to me circa sophomore year in college.

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