Saturday, July 12, 2008

A true American

When people across the pond think of Americans, do you suppose this guy comes to mind? I found this picture in CNN's coverage of the iPhone 3G release

Exhibit A - Yankees hat...wait, this just in, it's a VISOR...a Yankees VISOR, what a stunning moment

Exhibit B - Jon Bon Jovi concert t-shirt - this tells us two things - that he likes Bon Jovi, and that he is from New Jersey (or he spent 4+ hours there for the concert - either way he is from Jersey)

Exhibit C - unbridled enthusiasm for commercialism as demonstrated by the iPhone being held up high as an object of worship, although his face is not as enthusiastic as I initially thought. If you look close, into his eyes, you see that voice in his head is saying "I'm not really sure how much I just spent" or perhaps "my girlfriend Tina is going to be upset that I blew our Bon Jovi fan club membership dues on this iPhone"....