Saturday, July 12, 2008

2.0 Software

Welcome to the iPhone 2.0 live blog - I'm going to go step by step as I upload the new software and apps.

Ok, I waited until the initial rush was over to get the iPhone 2.0 software loaded on my phone. It appears that my strategery has worked - it took me 1 hour to install 2.0 - no issues so far. I also didn't rush out to ATT to buy the new iPhone as I was waiting for the 2.0 software to become available and test it's features - 2.0 upgrade is free...

Don't despair if you have the old iPhone as I do, and wish you had waited for the new one. Here's some reasons why I am not yet upgrading.....

Reason's why the original iPhone is fine with me:
- My web browsing speed is just fine - the sites I spend my time on have very few pics/graphics, and they load fast over the old Edge network. They could always load faster, so this is the only reason I would upgrade...

- I don't need GPS - I know where I am going, but if I need help the original iPhone's map and faux-GPS are just fine

- The new iPhone plane is $15+ more a month including an SMS bundle

-The iPhone 2.0 software is available for free, no need for a new phone...

Ok, so I have 2.0 installed and here's the review:

First let's go to the Apps Store - AHHHHHH! There are too many apps! Guitar Tuner, Remote Control emulator, eBay, MLB, MONKEYBALL....yes, MONKEYBALL!!!!! (I don't know what Monkeyball is) and each one has it's own Applized mind is blown. I need to get some Advil. Be right back.

Alright, I'm back - I'm going to start with the key apps I need - eBay and PayPal - and go from there.

The first test - do these Apps speed up my normal experience on eBay and Paypal? Normal ebay page takes 15 seconds on EDGE - but the new App is blazing fast. Loads lists of items in mere seconds, but it missing some functionality. Since this is v1.0, I'll let it slide. PayPal is the same way. Viewing my balance once took 3 web pages and 60 seconds, but now it takes less than 5 seconds.

So my initial verdict is that the original iPhone is just fine now that 2.0 software is loaded. Sure I'm missing some location-aware GPS apps, but other than that I am fine. Plus the original phone will be somewhat of a rarity, and you'll be the early adopter of a product that will be as ubiquitous as the iPod itself. Now on to Monkeyball...

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