Saturday, November 17, 2007

Old cars, New blood.

As the baby boomers begin to retire and start bidding up 60's era muscle cars into the millions of dollars, would it be wise to now invest in a 70s era muscle car in anticipation of the next wave of retirees?

As a general rule, people always want the cars that they grew-up around - my great uncle had a Model T, my grandfather collected cars from the 30s and 40s (including a 40s Chevrolet hearse), boomers want the muscle cars from their youth (60s), and I want a 94-96 Chevy Impala (if the words "LT1" and "bench-seats" don't mean anything to you, then neither will the Impala)

So is it fair to assume that the generation born in the 70s is going to want muscle cars from the 70s? Maybe this is some stock I need to purchase...

1 comment:

Craig Eidson said...

Muscle cars wouldn't be a bad idea. I think there's definately been a surge in motorcycle purchases as these boomers are getting closer to retirement. I spoke with my friend Bob on Thanksgiving and he said that he and his wife were purchasing Harleys...he wouldn't be talked out of it even though the bikes are alot more expensive to purchase and maintain than equal or greater foreign bikes. To his defense Harley's have a higher resell value...but why would you resell if its such a great bike.