Wednesday, November 7, 2007

I got in a fight with 1080p...

You don't need a 1080p HDTV just yet. Here's why:
  1. To the average person, 1080p and 720p look the exact same.
  2. New 1080p HDTVs cost 30% more than 720p models
  3. Only Blu-Ray and HD-DVD actually use true 1080p - don't waste your money here, wait for a standard.
  4. No satellite/cable/tv Broadcasts are in 1080p
So go with 720p this holiday season or wait until fall 2008 when 1080p prices drop even further. If you find that the 1080p price is close to the 720p price, well then you've found yourself a deal.

Example - CompUSA had the HP 50" Plasma 720p HDTV for $899 last week. Current price of the same model in 1080p - $1800. Point, set, match.

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