Tuesday, January 1, 2008

The Present Run-Down

We had a blast over Christmas - here's a run-down of the present opening festivities. Please bear with the parenthesis (sorry)....

I got Sue a new knife set and a new ceiling fan for one of the rooms, we gave my mother a Senseo coffee maker and my dad a bunch of Playstation accessories/games. We gave Sue's father a NFL Films DVD History of the Cowboys, and gave her brothers the first two seasons of The Office and the Band of Brothers set.

One of the best gifts was a scrapbook that Susan had spent months creating for her mother Sharon. Over the past couple months Susan had been stealing undeveloped film from Sharon's desk (this film was from the early 80's) and my father was having it developed and restored at the local film shop. Susan then created a scrapbook out of the pictures (which Sharon had never seen, and were from when the kids were toddlers) and gave the book to Sharon for Christmas. You guessed it, she cried with every turn of the page.

As far as me...Sue got me some new golf clubs (replacing the mixed set I borrowed from K-Shot), the parents gave Susan and I a new computer (replacing our P3 setup from 1998), I also got some Xbox games (including Halo 3 with the helmet and everything - check out the picture), and so many DVDs that I probably need to take a couple of days vacation just to watch them all. And don't worry (cause I knew you were), the Whitley's got me the pots and pans I wanted. Time to cook.

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