Thursday, February 19, 2009

DIY Baby Monitor

Well, our video baby monitor hit the skids and stopped transmitting, which has lead to some long nights for Susan (while I sleep away...sorry!). It will work for a few hours then "SCREEEEEECH" it loses the feed. I checked for interference, overheating - you name it, and could not find the issue. Sooooo...I'm building my own as a replacement:

1) Wireless 2.4ghz camera system - $45 via Amazon marketplace - this is a step up from the 900mhz of the old setup, but it might interfere with the Wifi in the also has nightvision....sweet...

2) 22" LCD HDTV - $115 via NewEgg - not content to go with a 6" or 7" screen, we're now rolling on 22" in HD. We are going to be able to see the individual hairs on his head. I love the Viewsonic products - they are relatively cheap, well made, cool designs, although sometimes lacking in the contrast ratio....

So for about $20 less than the going rate for baby-specific video monitors ($160 versus $180) I now have a multi-use setup that can grow with more kids. When Willameana comes in a few years I can just add another camera and we can watch both of them. Will post pics of everything once it's up and running.

Update - everything is hooked up, had some interference from the wireless network, but a bigger antenna solved the issue. Here's the final product - or BabyVision as Sue calls it:


Anonymous said...

Happy Brithday Techman. May your tank be full for years to come.

I think this is the first time Ive ever wished a happy birthday via blog comments.

Jake said...

I made something similar with a web cam and a wifi frame. It broadcasts the images out to the net, so it could be put on a frames around the world. The downside is that it just does still pictures, an no audio...