Thursday, December 4, 2008

Old School Books

One thing I never do anymore - read books. What free time I have is spent trolling RSS feeds or reading magazines that come in the mail from cashing in airline miles. I used to wrap myself up in a good book, and get lost in a world of...not really. Here's a few books that I've kept on my bookshelf...

Ender's Game - the focus of this book is a child prodigy who ends up saving the world because he understands the paradigms of outer space - yes, I know, you're thinking "that is awesome" and it is.

Design of Everyday Things - this was required reading in a design class in college, but it really opens your eyes to how some things are made very badly, and others intuitively. Will really influence how you view design, from how you open doors to how to create a proper PowerPoint presentation.

The Hobbit - The prequel to the Lord of the Rings trilogy, it still holds up because you don't have the movie rolling in the back of your head as you try and read it.

Mere Christianity - this book is full of so much logic it will blow your mind. I recommend reading one chapter at a time, and then re-reading that same chapter before moving to the next.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good list.

I wanna be Ender when I grow up....although I guess it would only be possible if I reverse age. Youthen? Is that a word? Not even sure what the term here is.