Monday, June 23, 2008

New iBook (new to me...)

I had been putting off purchasing a Mac laptop due to the upscale pricing (basically, you get twice as much for half as much with PC laptops), but finally found my price point - $150. I bought an iBook 500mhz 128mb 10GB with Airport today on eBay. The failure rates for these bad boys are over 50% (motherboard) but I still jumped based on the price. It's a good opportunity to learn the Mac OS X (10.3 to be exact) for a small price.

I did a quick youtube search on the iBook, and found a great video of Steve Jobs introducing it in 2001 - his presentation style is the exact same as today. Another great hit is the iPod Nano introduction (listen to everyone oooohhh and ahhhhh when he takes it out of his pocket). And then of course, there is the recent MacBook Air intro...

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