Thursday, June 12, 2008

Learning Golf

Well, over the past year I have been learning how to golf. Giving up my putt-putt ways, I am now a complete sellout. Dress pants, shoes, shirts, gloves, you name it. Learning how to golf is like having your first baby - well maybe not in every way, specifically one way, no make that two ways, either way they are similar. When you tell someone you are learning to golf or that you are having your first child, they invariably have some great advice that you must use immediately. So after 12 months on people getting in my head about my golf swing, I finally took it back to the basics...on youtube. Here's the video that has given me some hope...

AND here's a video of how I used to be (a well done video I might add...)

AND if you ever feel that you'll never learn golf, and your swing is just too bad, there's always Charles Barkley:

Last week, Dan Patrick asked Charles, "Don't they make medicine for that type of thing?"...

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