Saturday, June 7, 2008

It's droppin Monday

Rumor is the new iPhone drops Monday (you probably know this unless you've been stuck somewhere since January), and I am interested on three fronts:

1) Faster 3G data rate will give a true mobile broadband experience, and make taking a laptop on the road thing of the past...

2) Rumored $199 starting price (with contract) - AT&T is supposedly going to subsidize this version of the iPhone, since they are raking it in on the monthly fees...

3) Apple's stock price - Wallstreet was doom and gloom this past Friday (down 3%), but Apple keeps chugging right along - my hope is that the new iPhone release opens even more eyes to the potential dominance of this device - both for corporate and personal use - and pushes stock to $200+

1 comment:

ruthie said...

psh. whatever. this pisses me off bc i just got mine... and now i am sooooo yesterday. so now i'm the idiot with the slow iphone who paid way too much money for it (albeit it was a gift). oh well. i need to stop trying to ride the trendy tech train and stick to beauty products. sheesh.