Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Spread the Wealth

I discovered Google Docs today, and really love the functionality. I had seen a short video on how it works (see below), but I am really impressed with how it could simplify my file management. For example...

Based on my friend Bryan's approach to monthly expense, I started a spreadsheet (in 2005) that Susan and I use to track costs each month. The hard part is entering in every small expense into the sheet each day - but, if you want to spend it you need to log it. The mere thought of having to log another $7 for lunch keeps me brown-bagging it every day, and overall it keeps you aware of your expenses and thrifty (some would say cheap).

It works very well when you have time on your hands, but with the new baby it is a challenge. A couple bucks here, a diaper or two there and you start to give up. This is where Google Docs comes in - Google keeps a copy of your spreadsheet on their server, and you can access it from anywhere, including your phone, and make updates. Very slick. I find myself wanting to make updates but the file is at home and I'm on the road. This solves that how do I buy diapers on the cheap?

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